Each Measure Feature: Emma Forgette


“Me and the Moon” is a 2024 release by artist Emma Forgette. Emma Forgette is an independent country music artist originating from New Jersey in the United States. Emma Forgette is forging a path within the current country music scene, leaving a memorable impression on all who come into contact with her music. The future is looking very promising for this up-and-coming artist.

Emma is well known for her vocal abilities, which are expressed with a natural control and range that is likely to leave many other artists envious of her talents. Having been born and raised in New Jersey, she is now making a name for herself with her music in Florida.

“Me and the Moon” introduces itself with a softly enchanting melody played on the piano. The melody guides the listener to Emma’s softly sung intro, which paints a picture of a night sky filled with stars, but none hold the promise of a wish for her. The song continues on in a style that both favors and rivals the sound of more classic country tracks.

This single takes the listener on a trip through the mind of a lonely lover, whose only wish is to be in the presence of her one true love. This wish is answered by the night with only the moon to keep her company. Emma Forgette displays her ability to convey deep emotions with her vocal abilities.

“Me and the Moon” is a wonderful song to add to the collection of any country music fan, and I, for one, am very interested to hear what this artist will be releasing next.   



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